Object and Type
Object : FCGeneric
Type : Method
Public Sub RelateByID(ByVal the_objid As Long, ByVal the_rel As String)
This method relates the current row of the generic object to the specified objid for the relation specified. The proper relation data will be set, no matter which table (this table, the related table, or an MTM table) the actual physical relation is stored on. This method also supports exclusive relations.
You must update the object via the Update or UpdateAll method for the relation to take place.
Parameter Name Required? Description
the_objid Yes The objid of the object to relate to
the_rel Yes The relation to use to relate the two records
Error Codes
Value Meaning
12015 The current object must be positioned on a valid record to call on this method.
12031 This operation is not valid for a generic that is marked distinct
The following example relates a case to a specific site (268435457).
The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.
// Get all cases
var boCase = FCSession.CreateGeneric();
boCase.RelateByID(268435457, "case_reporter2site");
Visual Basic:
The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.
Dim boCase As FCGeneric
Set boCase = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boCase.SimpleQuery "case"
boCase.RelateByID 268435457, "case_reporter2site"